Hannah Anderson
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If you’ve liked what you’ve read so far, here are some other places you can find my writing. Even more can be found in half-filled notebooks under my bed and on sticky notes cluttering my desk.

Featured Articles

Cultural Commentary

Dreaming Better Dreams: The Home, the Marketplace, and the American Dream: How the dominance of the marketplace in western culture harms both men and women and ultimately impedes human flourishing

Learning to Value the Family in Crisis: Statistically the poor and working class are most at risk for familial break down; they’re also the least able to access the Church’s teaching on family values. Why this is and how we can change it.

Becoming Human: How Community Forms Us: In an age of radical individualism, we must remember that we cannot be ourselves apart from each other.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Reconciliation and Foot Washing in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood: How a quiet man in a cardigan led the way toward racial reconciliation, mirroring Christ’s act of service.

The Unsettling Truth Behind the #MeToo Movement: The deluge of accounts of sexual abuse and harassment remind us of an inescapable truth–women are more vulnerable than men. But in age of female empowerment, we’re quick to forget this and to our peril.

When Rural Traditions Get Hipster Cred: Who knew that growing up in a rural community would make me “cool” 20 years later?


Online Tribalism and Women’s Ministry: A Look at the State of Women’s Discipleship in the Digital Age

Although the digital age has changed women’s ministry, granting access and platform to women outside traditional power structures, we’re just as likely to succumb to tribalism and parochialism as we ever were.

How Brainy Women Benefit the Church: Studies show that we often associate intelligence with masculinity. What does this mean for “smart” women and how the Church tap into their gifts?

“Let’s Get the Girl”: Women’s discipleship and spiritual formation will only become a priority if the Church casts a vision of mission that is large enough to need them.

Beyond the Booth: How Broadchurch Makes Confession Communal: How public confession of sin restores broken bonds of community–and what happens to a community when practice of confession is lost


The Divine Rise of Multilevel Marketing: Multilevel marketing (MLM) offers women mentorship, a sense of purpose, and possibility of success–all in the service of the marketplace. Kate Shellnutt and I ask, “What might happen if the Church offered this to women instead?”

Would Today’s Proverbs 31 Woman Do MLM?: In the digital age, network marketing is booming, with some of its most ardent participants Christian women. But how should we think about it especially when it enters our faith communities?

My Daughter Can’t Do It All: Reflections on the limits of vocation with special focus on Anne Marie Slaughter’s Unfinished Business

Family & Relationships

The Vocation of Parenthood

I did not choose to become a parent so much as I was made a parent by forces larger and greater than I could ever fathom or control. In his sovereignty, God has called me to this good work of parenthood.

Love Among the Pixels: Fidelity and Romance in the Digital Age

In an age of “back burner” relationships, the commitment of marriage has never been more needed–or more misunderstood.

God Our Father: The Beauty of God’s Choice: What the physical realities of fatherhood teach us about God’s commitment to us

Family Business: Why Working for God Begins at Home

